Business Needs
- To create a tool to assist in development of pricing models for various products and markets
Key Features
- Linked to the production Datawarehouse for import of policies for rate development
- Upload of policies parameters from multiple sources like xls and csv.
- Iterative process for rate development ; Impact analysis for changes in premium due to changes in base tables/ policy parameters
- Ability to upload multiple set of base tables against which policies can be scored
- Interim results calculation to help identify changes at peril level
- Automated scoring of new business against proposed rates for competitive analysis and identification of niche markets
- Identification of Niche markets/ customer segments with low risk and high returns
- Speed to market – Faster rate development and validation
Company Background
A US based insurance company setup by Farm Bureau to assist with innovation and development of niche products and offerings
Offering Categories
By Industry- Insurance
By Use Case
- Operational Efficiency