- 1.1 Billion people globally live without an officially recognized identity.
- 11% Americans don’t have a valid government id.
- Disparate requests for personal documentation for identity proof by municipal agency or service being accessed (ID, Library Card, Sports Team access, Businesses access, Public Transit etc.)
- Lack of privacy of personal data.
Key Features
- Bridge off-chain (legacy identities) with decentralized, on-chain identity.
- Constituent’s personal information remains private
- Constituents remain in control of their data and authorize access to it
- City offices review and provide verifiable claims about identity, residence and DOB through uPort. These claims interact with other residents or civic agencies
- Technology used – uPort, Solidity, Ethereum 3.0 (Metropolis)
- Personal data privacy
- Constituent controls access
- No more tracking 100% of User Id's and passwords
- Defeat 3rd parties monetizing constituent’s personal data
- No more identity theft through centralized databases