Data Governance is a full methodology which helps a company to establish accountability for the data domains of the enterprise. Data Governance helps to clarify what is important, what isn't, and what types of data management projects are most needed to advance the organization. While this discipline first evolved to serve the needs for global banks to communicate data standards to regulatory agencies, the methodology is applicable across multiple industries and use cases.

Financial Reporting Accuracy

Data is used for your public financial statements

When you attest to your financials, how do you know they are right?  Elevondata can profile, cleanse, standardize your data and provide  Data Governance as a service-- improving your organization's data competencies (and keeping regulators happy!).

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Measuring your Data Governance Capabilities

Maturity Assessment

Elevondata can conduct a Data Governance assessment for your organization to determine the state of your capabilities and maturity – including a customized industry comparative benchmark - while also offering a full roadmap for improvement.  Elevondata has conducted Data Maturity Model (DMM) assessments for multiple organizations, with specific recommendations for improvement.

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Implementing a Data Governance Program

Fast track your path to Data Governance

We can mentor your resources in the fine points of operational data governance, help with tool selection in the DG space, and manage/execute a DG project to provide Data Quality metrics for Strategic Data Repositories. Elevondata has managed projects to substantially improve data management maturity at small and large companies.

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